Birth Prep

Listen, there is no easy way out of a human exiting your body.

It’s a transcendent, wild, beautiful, often painful, sometimes scary experience- and you will never be the same. I cannot possibly prepare you for everything, but what I can do is inform you from a pelvic health perspective on some of the best ways to prepare for delivery- be it vaginal delivery or caesarean section (c-section). From understanding more about perineal tearing, birth positions and how to push, to knowing what to ask about forceps or instrumentation if that comes up. And then how to care for your body in those very early days and weeks postpartum, regardless of delivery mode. When I do birth prep with patients it’s not in place of prenatal classes- it’s supplementary. Please know I come at this from an evidence based perspective- but I’ve also had two humans exit my body- so there’s some personal experience here too. A bonus is that almost all of this can be done virtually which can make scheduling more flexible.

“I am so grateful for Kate! I wish I had known about the benefits of prenatal Physiotherapy with my first pregnancy but still fortunate to have Kate's support for my second. Between my two pregnancies, her guidance and expertise was the most impactful to my labour and delivery preparation and experience. I highly recommend Kate for her thoroughness and personable approach.”


“Kate is incredible! I feel so much better prepared for giving birth both physically and mentally. She has so much knowledge about the medical practice during labour as well as the changes that happen within your body during both pregnancy and delivery. Booking with her was one of the best choices I’ve made in this pregnancy”
