Postnatal Physiotherapy

Growing a person for nine months and then delivering that person via vaginal delivery or c section is huge. It’s a major body event. There are a lot of things that can come up especially as you’re caring for the new human in your life.

Postpartum bodies are not like regular bodies — obviously, they are super bodies — but they are also working hard to heal in the context of hormonal fluctuations, typically a lot less rest, and a whole lot of new repetitive tasks. They require a knowledgeable approach.

Postnatal physio just looks like physiotherapy for all your postpartum concerns. This could include your pelvic floor, diastasis recti, back pain, mom butt, returning to exercise, returning to running, painful sex, and more. If a human grew inside your body and then exited your body – via c section or vaginal delivery — and you’re busy caring for that small human — whether they’re 3 days or 5 years old — postnatal physiotherapy can help.

The TL; DR (too long; didn’t read) - a non-exhaustive list of things I can treat/help with:

  • urinary leakage

  • painful sex

  • pelvic pressure or pain

  • sacroiliac dysfunction

  • low back pain

  • general postural pain

  • diastasis recti

  • scar tissue management

  • postpartum exercise prescription and management

  • returning to running and/or high impact activity postpartum